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墨尔本Budapest Café 源自泥土的温柔色彩

设计 \ Design:Biasol

摄影 \ Photography Credits:Derek Swalwell

? ? ??电影制作人Wes Anderson的独特视觉风格,启发了Budapest Café墨尔本店的设计灵感,而在此之前,Budapest Café中国成都店,就已经拥有了成功落地的经验。

? ? ? Filmmaker Wes Anderson's idiosyncratic visual style inspired the design of The Budapest Café in Melbourne, which follows the success of The Budapest Café in Chengdu, China.

? ? ??凭借对现代抽象艺术,设计和空间款待功能的需求,我们将设计经验延伸成为为一种身临其境的,类似画廊的体验。这样一来,将建筑的形式最小化,将色彩的影响力最大化,进而唤醒了整个空间。

? ? ? Drawing on our appetite for modern abstract art, design and hospitality, we evolved the design experience to create an immersive, gallery-like experience. Minimising the built form maximised the space and the impact of colour in the imaginative and evocative space.

? ? ? 大胆、另类的设计元素,鼓励和影响着每一位顾客,更具参与感。天然的泥土色板散发着温暖的质感和特色,同时也反映出了当地的设计审美。

? ? ? Bold, offbeat elements encourage patrons to engage with the design, and the natural earthy palette exudes warmth, texture and character and reflects the local design sensibility.

设计公司 Design:Biasol

项目地址 Location:Melbourne, Australia

项目类型 Category:Hospitality

完工时间 Completion:November 2020

服务内容 Services:Interior Design, Interior Styling

摄影版权 Photography:Derek Swalwell

? ? ? Biasol是一个多奖项获奖的工作室,以细节、质量和技术精度为动力,通过对设计的欣赏,经受住了时间的考验。

? ? ? Biasol is a multi-award winning studio driven by detail, quality and technical precision, unified by an appreciation for design that endures the test of time.

? ? ? 我们会被我们遇到的人和我们保持的关系所激励。

? ? ? We are inspired by the people we meet, and the relationships we keep.

? ? ? Biasol由Jean-Pierre Biasol于2012年成立,他的意大利传统和更广泛的欧洲教育影响引起了人们的共鸣和尊重,并尊重欧洲设计实践中常见的自然多样的工作流程。Biasol方法利用许多互补的学科来创造超越预期的体验,并利用直观,美丽且高度参与的环境,产品和品牌。

? ? ? Biasol was established in 2012 by Jean-Pierre Biasol whose Italian heritage and broader European educational influences nurtured a resonance and respect for the naturally diverse working processes common within European design practices. The Biasol approach draws on many complementary disciplines to create experiences that surpass expectation, harnessing intuitive, beautiful and highly engaging environments, products and brands.

? ? ? Biasol(发音为“ b-are-zoul”)是一家位于墨尔本的多学科设计工作室。我们专注于室内空间的设计,建筑类型,产品和品牌环境,我们与澳大利亚和国际客户合作,实现融合了设计错综复杂的空间和体验,以提供深思熟虑的成果,无论是在身心上还是在情感上。

? ? ? Biasol (pronounced ‘b–are–zoul') is a multidisciplinary design studio based in Melbourne. With a focus on the design of interior spaces, building typologies, products, and branded environments, we work collaboratively with Australian and international clients to realise spaces and experiences that merge the intricacies of design to deliver considered outcomes that engage both physically and emotionally.